Come Join Us!
Wednesday Night Fellowship
Wednesdays at 7pm
Location for Spring 2025: Renfrew 112
This is our large group gathering for college students at the University of Idaho! Normally, we meet on campus to worship, eat, and listen to a message from the Bible. Everyone is welcome!
Life Groups
Mondays and Tuesdays
Various Locations on Campus (Aug - May)
Interested in a Life Group? Click here!
Life Groups are the “bread & butter” of our ministry. We believe that following Jesus should not happen without friends to journey with! You do not have to be a Christian to join, just interested in exploring God with some neat guys or gals. For many, their deepest friendships come out of these groups – don’t miss out getting involved with one, and experience life-on-life discipleship.
Sundays at Venture
1016 S Mountain View Rd, Moscow, ID 83843
Services at 9am & 10:45am
We know that many students come from a tradition of attending a local church on Sundays. There are lots of great local churches in Moscow!
The Chi Alpha staff and many Chi Alpha students attend Venture Church on the Palouse!
This church has had a long history of supporting the ministry of Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship and the students at the U of I! Sometimes, college students feel as though their Sunday church is “disconnected” to the rest of their world on campus. Attending Venture in conjunction with Chi Alpha provides a unique opportunity for your Sunday community and your campus community to overlap nicely.
To learn more about Venture Church on the Palouse, click here.